Friday, September 14, 2007

DC 9/14

Wow what a busy day, started by catching the Trolley to start a tour of DC, went to the Postal Museum downtown, by the Capital, and a great visit to the tidal Basin and the jefferson memorial. A nice lunch stop at the Lincoln memorial, great pictures and Gramma And Grampa got some pictures at the Korean War memorial. THen it was on to Arlington, where we were dropped off at the Metro. And then some rest because everyone was TUCKERED out. Maybe a swim later, ill check back

Thursday, September 13, 2007

DC 9/13

Another yummy breakfast and go to listen to a blarring CNN in the resturant. Hopped in a CAB to Union Station and caught the train on time. the girls were excited to take a little ride, it was about an hour to Quantico and we got a new MC Jacket for Grammpa and had a great lunch at a Dive called BILLS then it was onto the Marine Corps Museum and it was really snazzy, brand new and lots of info, just saw a bit of it, since its so close we can come back later. Got back on the train with just enough time to see two guys get thrown off for being drunk.
We then had a nice meal at Johnny ROckets in the Union Station and me and the girls met James Carville who was talking to someone outside, very nice smile shook our hands. Kind of an unsavory crew hanging around outside the station. TOok another swim at the Hampton and relaxed in the room and tried to find out a bit about the trolley tour the next day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Enjoyed a great day, rode the Metro to Union Station to get Train Tickets for tomorrow, then on to the Smithsonian Natural History museum, saw the Dino Fossils and the great collection of mammals. Also saw a nice film that would drive Anti Evolutionist nuts. Then saw the 3-D IMAX on Lions which was great. Grampa was moving slow today so he caught a cab directly back to the Hotel then Gramma and the girls and I went to Pentagon CIty for DInner , we also found some neat patches for their summer hats and a RARE Cecilia key zipper chain,then back to the room. Even though they had drained the pool, we were told that right next door at the Hampton INN (they are just about 20 yards away) will let us use their indoor pool. THe girls were excited about that and then after some home work we went smimming and boy was it CHILLY, but the girls loved it. After that we met Gramma and Grampa in the Resturant for a desert (and grampa ate dinner). Then it was off to tubby, jammies and a little posting.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


If you are in the mood there is a link to the right which you should visit if you care to donate something. Ive been to the makeshift United 93 Memorial 3 times, very powerful.

I went to break at 850 that morning just minutes after the first plane hit. When i came back from break and put my headphones on at 901 Bob Edwards was saying on NPF, "there's no way an american pilot would ever crash into that building he would ditch in the Hudson River", it was then i knew something was going on. A few minutes later while they were talking to their NY correspondent the second plane hit and after that it was a flurry of activity.

We were supposed to fly on the 14th (that friday) and since they couldn't confirm that our plane would take off, we decided to drive to see my parents (instead of the trip to California AND Idaho). The trip was rejuvinative, driving through the country, hearing the stories of the individuals on the planes, the firefighters, police.

We stopped and ate and slept, swam in the Indoor Pools, but it was clear that things were diferent, like everyone had had the wind knocked out of them. We saw a total of 7 planes in the air the entire trip out (More on the way back). The trip was the first time that Gramma and Grampa got to see Julie. The Girls were an absolute joy, i didnt give much thought to taking an 8 month old and a 2 year 4 month old on a cross country trip (Good thing i might not have done it). But it turned out great. The weather was fantastic the whole trip and the girls enjoyed frollocking here and there in Coeur D'Alene.

I read some (Leonard Pitts had a great Op-Ed yesterday about it) that 9/11 is being forgotten, for me its not so much forgotten as perverted. We should remember all the people that lost and risked their lives, and all the families that waited for someone to come home that never did. Instead of taking all that goodwill the world had for us to get at the perps to this crime, theyve seen us turn 9/11 into a reason to preemptively attack another country. We are starting to put the blame on the people that perverted that day (ill never forget the emails from the showing pictures of people jumping off the builidings to somehow say we should invade IRAQ even though IRAQ had nothing to do with 9/11).

Full Disclosure, i was a super Hawk not for IRAQ but for IRAN (which had nukes), Syria (which had chemical and tons of terrorists) and SAUDI ARABIA (where 15 of the 19 hijackers came from). I figured the President was lying and said so, but figured he was feigning and going to go into the really bad countries, hard to believe the President he never figured it out. Lots of lifes that day and since. What a shame. Today we go to DC.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Things that dont sound so good....

Ah as if the Raider thing wasn't enough, today the doctor said "we probably can get it all in one day". It seems the surgery we have been waiting to hear about will have to take 3 (YES THREE!!) days to complete. The first day to cut, the second day (if neccessary if they missed something) and the third day for the Plastic Surgeon to close. Yikes, anyhoo the nursing staff seems more confident. Anyhow its DURING Gramma and Grampas visit, so we should have some help there. Lots of calls today, to SPRINT about Tinas new Blackberry, and back to the Doctors, to the Hotel checking on Adjoining Rooms and work about a new route that might come open. Most of the Day on the phone.
Took a Bday Present to Joanna, the girls were nutty when we got home, but calmed down after their COUNTY mandated shower.
The picture to the left was taken from where Scott and Cathy sit at the Games.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


the horror..............
the horror.................
Opening day and have we been eliminated already? That was the bad, on the good side G&G made it safely on their train and are on their way to Chicago. Thanks to their new found adroitness with cell phones we can keep up with them on their trip.

We had people over from work that did NOT get an invite to last years Opening Day Party, they were happy to be here, and the little three year old that came was very well behaved indeed. Glad to know we still have enough to keep a three year old entertained for hours.

Steaks, Salad and Potatoes yummy for the tummy, the girls were well behaved as well and all and all other than a bizarre Raider performance a great day.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Getting ready for G&G

Went to the Sams with the Girls today they were a great help, its surprising how much you can do with just one good arm and one that you can only lift so high. I find that even lifting weight in the good arm is hard because of balance issues.

Right after went to Food Lion and then the dreaded "third stop" at Harris Teeter where the girls really acted up, after lunch I had them finish the puzzle that they said they couldnt do but where very proud when they did.

Washer still seems to be running so thats good....

Called Scott and he and Cathy were just getting ready to cross the Bay Bridge in SF, lots of excitement up there.

Some packing today, but not much, a little vacuuming and what not. Probably tackle some ironing i keep trying but its hard to keep my left arm turning the clothes, but good Physical Therapy.

Hearing reports of one of the PTF's at work not doing well, YIKES cant lose another body, they authorized him KNOWING that he was an overhire the chance that they will ever make that mistake again is zero.

Tina loves her Blackberry, finding all the cool stuff i like the GPS thingy, for a Zero Upgrade charge my phone is pretty good except for the speaker phone which is shiza.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Much Success

BIG DAY!!! Me thinks the washer is fixed, after 46 days, it appears (I say appears because it isn't making THAT sound) . First NFL game was last night GOOD FOR ONE HALF, decided to watch the halftime, it was utterly useless, who gave TIKI a job, I can see now why his teamates say he is lame. TERMINIX came by, as did the MAILMAN and the UPS guy. Today still very hot must be a record for consecutive days over 90 or something. Going to the store to get stuff for Gramma and Grampa visit, just making sure everythings taken care of.