If you are in the mood there is a link to the right which you should visit if you care to donate something. Ive been to the makeshift United 93 Memorial 3 times, very powerful.

I went to break at 850 that morning just minutes after the first plane hit. When i came back from break and put my headphones on at 901 Bob Edwards was saying on NPF, "there's no way an american pilot would ever crash into that building he would ditch in the Hudson River", it was then i knew something was going on. A few minutes later while they were talking to their NY correspondent the second plane hit and after that it was a flurry of activity.
We were supposed to fly on the 14th (that friday) and since they couldn't confirm that our plane would take off, we decided to drive to see my parents (instead of the trip to California AND Idaho). The trip was rejuvinative, driving through the country, hearing the stories of the individuals on the planes, the firefighters, police.
We stopped and ate and slept, swam in the Indoor Pools, but it was clear that things were diferent, like everyone had had the wind knocked out of them. We saw a total of 7 planes in the air the entire trip out (More on the way back). The trip was the first time that Gramma and Grampa got to see Julie. The Girls were an absolute joy, i didnt give much thought to taking an 8 month old and a 2 year 4 month old on a cross country trip (Good thing i might not have done it). But it turned out great. The weather was fantastic the whole trip and the girls enjoyed frollocking here and there in Coeur D'Alene.
I read some (Leonard Pitts had a great Op-Ed yesterday about it) that 9/11 is being forgotten, for me its not so much forgotten as perverted. We should remember all the people that lost and risked their lives, and all the families that waited for someone to come home that never did. Instead of taking all that goodwill the world had for us to get at the perps to this crime, theyve seen us turn 9/11 into a reason to preemptively attack another country. We are starting to put the blame on the people that perverted that day (ill never forget the emails from the FreeRepublic.com showing pictures of people jumping off the builidings to somehow say we should invade IRAQ even though IRAQ had nothing to do with 9/11).
Full Disclosure, i was a super Hawk not for IRAQ but for IRAN (which had nukes), Syria (which had chemical and tons of terrorists) and SAUDI ARABIA (where 15 of the 19 hijackers came from). I figured the President was lying and said so, but figured he was feigning and going to go into the really bad countries, hard to believe the President he never figured it out. Lots of lifes that day and since. What a shame. Today we go to DC.