Tina got to work out early this morning on the beach, a Yoga Class, and it was Sandy but went well.
After breakfast we went to the duck pond (about 50 yards away) and fed the ducks and turtles, a crane even came by but didnt feed.
Then we went to the Broadway at the Beach and went to the Friend to be an offshoot of Build a Bear. Chance to have a little fun and dress a doll or two. Also a short trip to Club Libby Lu for a little make case (the 19 dollar variety) and the girls had a lot of fun after getting back to the condo making themselves up.
We had lunch at Johnny ROckets and then went to see JOURNEY TO THE CENTER Of the Earth in 3-D, it was quite a romp and the girls loved it. We at dinner in with leftovers from all our great take out meals, and that was quite fun as well.
Tina and cilly went shopping but that didnt work well as Cecilia thought it was a shopping trip for her alone and put mommy bear in a funk, but during the trip Julie had voted to stay at the condo and watch Harvey Birdman with me and eat popcorn, we had a fun time doing that. Todays pictures are courtesy of Julie with her Camera, might be a little blurry but she wanted to try. They are of the Duck Pond feeding, a close up of me making the snausages, the girls with their dolls (i took the one of Julie) and Julie and I's popcorn and Harvey birdman DVD
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